
In this page will show and try to decifer some of the works of graffiti art around Richmond.

Over the past 50 years graffiti has developed into a worldwide addiction to teens and young adults. And over those past 50 years there has been a debate of whether it is art or it is vandalism. It has been established by the demographic, that people over 40 hate all types of graffiti and people under 25 love it. Graffiti is divided into 2 definitive groups: tags and art. The debate on whether graffiti is art is an opinionated debate where everyone shares their own point of view. The graffiti in Richmond is in a different situation because we see it as art, but not only as art but also a way to teach us of what happened in the past and how life has changed over time. An example shown is in the graffiti on Stephenson St where they have John Howard next to piles of money, which shows the wealth which Australia had when he was in power. Tags are the other part of the graffiti in Richmond. Tags are known to be vandalism by all the people in the demographic. Tags are what gangs vandalize the walls with. Tags are what gives artistic graffiti a bad name.

Waterloo Pl, Richmond.


Stewart St, Ricmond.


Madden Gr, Richmond.


Sephenson St, Richmond.


Clifton St, Richmond.